Rite Aid locations throughout Michigan (and in Ohio) will vaccinate any eligible Michigander. However, appointments are scarce, and it can be tricky to navigate Rite Aid's booking system. This page will try to make it a little easier.
In order to search for available appointments with Rite Aid, you need to provide information for an eligible individual. You will need more information later, but to start with you need:
- Date of Birth
- City
- State
- Occupation (or can select "None of the Above" if not required for eligibility)
- Medical Conditions (or can select "None of the Above" if not required for eligibility)
- Are you looking for Dose 1 or Dose 2 of the vaccine?
We regularly check Rite Aid's website to identify Rite Aid locations with available appointments. That does not guarantee that sites we list still have appointments, someone may have booked the last one right after we checked. Also, if a site is not listed here, we do not know that they do not have availabiility - someone may have cancelled their appointment right after we checked. These list is provided in case these sites help you find an available appointment, since otherwise it can be very difficult to search for locations, as the search will only show you locations within 50 miles of any site you input.
We recommend you start by searching for with your home address. If there are any Rite Aid locations within 50 miles which have availability, they will show up. If nothing shows up, that means no nearby locations have availability right now. They may have availability later today or on another day, if someone cancels their appointment or if new appointments are added.
If you have tried searching with your home address and nothing shows up, and if you are willing to travel further afield, you can try searching by the locations listed below. These are locations where there has recently been availability.
Here are Rite Aid sites which had availability last time we checked — you can see what time that was in the Availability Updated (Eastern Time) column. Sites are grouped by County with counties sorted alphabetically. If there are too many records to browse, you can also click the Filter button to filter "Where County is " or "Where Adjacent County contains". Searching by Adjacent County shows the county you enter plus neighboring counties in Michigan.
Adjacent county search example:
First, you will need to enter a qualifying person's details:If eligibility is met, you will see this message and can proceed to the next page:
Next, you will need to enter a location to search. If your home location doesn't lead to any search results, try inputting one of the sites on our Available list above.Click on the location where you wish to try to make an appointment
This page can be finicky, you might see an error message like this. Or, the Next button simply may not work with no error message. If this happens, try entering the same location in the search bar above and trying again.
Hopefully you will get to a page listing available appointment times
Michigan’s statewide COVID-19 vaccination program has been evolving rapidly. Federal, State, and county officials are all publishing frequent updates on a variety of websites. These government websites are your best source for official information. We are a community-led website and do not represent the government or any healthcare provider.
Michigan COVID Hotline 888-535-6136
Help us improve this site by giving us feedback or reporting an error. You can also send a text message to (734) 206-7841 that will reach us. Note that this number cannot receive calls or reply directly.
Did you get vaccinated? Tell us your story! We'd love to hear how it went!
If you've been vaccinated within the past 6 weeks consider participating in the CDC's vsafe program - a phone app to report any symptoms and help make vaccines safer for others.A volunteer effort by Michiganders and friends. Inspired by the VaccinateCA project.
Would you like to join us? Click here to volunteer!
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